Appeal Process
If you have a question about your assessment, please feel free to contact the Milton Township Assessor's Office. We will be glad to sit down and listen to your concerns about your property assessment. The following information may help you prepare for the meeting, and will help us understand the situation better.
- Recent purchase contracts, listings, and closing statements of your property
- Sales of similar homes in your neighborhood
- Assessments of similar homes in the area
- Recent appraisal of your property
- Photographs of your home and comparable properties in your neighborhood
Comparable sales and assessments information can be gathered by researching the public records available in our office. If you need assistance a township employee will point you in the right direction.
Appeals may be based on the following objections.
- Incorrect data - Information about your property is incorrectly reported on the Assessor's property record card. Errors in square footage or numbers of bathrooms in the home are some examples.
- Market Value - Based on comparable sales in the area, your house would sell for less than the Assessor's opinion of value.
- Inequity - The market value of your property is accurate, but similar properties are assessed for less.
Higher taxes are a legitimate complaint, however they do not have a bearing on the Assessor's opinion of value. Taxes are based on the needs of the taxing bodies in your jurisdiction. Even though your assessment stays the same, taxes may still increase. Complaints of this nature should be taken up with the officials who determine budgets in the various bodies.
After the meeting, if you are not satisfied with the Assessor's decision an appeal may be filed with the DuPage County Board of Review. At the hearing you will present your information to a three member panel. You may discuss your assessment with the Assessor throughout the year. However, appeals to the Board of Review must be filed within 30 days after the publication of the assessment list in the Wheaton Leader or the Glen Ellyn News. The list is published in the latter part of each year. Please call the Assessor's Office for an estimate of the publishing date. After receiving notice of the Board of Review's decision you have thirty days to appeal to the State Property Tax Appeal Board.
Remember, most misunderstanding on your assessment may be answered by a simple call or by furnishing supporting data to your local Township Assessor.